- Sugartown Cabaret (Amanda Woodward/Aussitot Mort members) has put out a new CD that's only $6. http://initrecords.bigcartel.com to pick that bad boy up.
- Loma Prieta have put pre-orders up for two hoodie designs. Pre-orders for clothing? Yep, they did it. Check it out at http://lomamerchstore.bigcartel.com/
- I Hate Myself are playing a show this Thursday. It's a pre-fest show at Boca Fiesta in Gainesville. I will kill anyone who is lucky enough to go to this.
- There are rumors of a Life Is A Fight reunion this summer, straight from the band themselves.
- That's Punk is putting out a The Pine CD-R that the band has supposedly consented to. It's over at http://www.thatspunk.net/records/store/.
- And CMHWAK TV has the interview posted below in this blog with Loma Prieta.
cross my heart with a knife 2.0.
This is a community-run blog providing a informational hub. Band profiles, tour and release info, reviews, podcasts, revisited bands and records, and interviews are all fair game. This site was started up to further the idea of the previously abandoned CMHWAK community while presenting new content and without infringing on any copyrighted material or in-print music. Click "Follow" to keep up.
Forums are here.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
News: Recent news in the CMHWAK forums
Check it out here :
Make sure to pick up the copy of their new record "LIFE/LESS" @ http://discoshuelga.bigcartel.com/ , definitely one of the best hardcore records i've ever heard.
if you didn't catch the amazing set that night, please check out the live video here :
More CMHWAK TV to come.....stay on the look out!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Band: Delo Truda

The main reason I'm posting this is because this band is still young, despite it's formation in 2008, and still a lot of people haven't even heard about them. Give them a try, you won't regret it!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Interview: Ed Warner's Cage

MANUEL: Hello, could you please introduce yourself, your band name, band members and what type of music you play?
ED WARNER'S CAGE: Ok, I'm Jerome, ED WARNER's singer and guitarist. The band's name is taken from...
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Revisit: Corea

"¡Corea es bueno!" as one of their local fans would say. Corea is (obviously) from Spain, I'm pretty sure they are still together. Before I heard their music, I saw a live picture of them showing one of the members playing a synthesizer. At that moment I knew I would love these guys. And in fact they do rule, they play a post-rocky brand of screamo, if your a fan of long build ups and cool background tones, you will probably enjoy Corea. They have done a few Europe tours, I'm not sure if they have done any America tours yet. Plain and simple, check these guys out, especially if your a fan of Envy. If your not a fan of Envy, do it anyway. You can read more about them on their myspace, if you know Spanish.
myspace- http://www.myspace.com/coreanomolan
Saturday, October 9, 2010
CMHWAK Launch Contest - Win an OOP 7"
Alright, posers. We're going to start this off right. I have an extremely underrated out-of-print Fieldtree "Fleas in his Collar" seven inch on Winter Records from 1995. I'll mail this out to the winner of a little CMHWAK contest. I made the original form of this contest way too complicated. So now it's as simple as this:
1) Get a Blogger account and click that "FOLLOW" button to the right.
I'll put the names into a list and randomize it. Then I'll mail this record anywhere to the reader who wins. No duplicate accounts.
This contest will close on November 10 2010 at midnight. Tell your friends, reblog, etc. The more people that participate, the more I'll be inclined to do future contests.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Revisit: Lion Of The North

Band: Orion Pax

A youtube video from the Love Lost But Not Forgotten reunion:
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Revisit: Little known and under appreciated... LINCOLN
Their discography includes:
Two Headed Coin: Split 7” w/ Hoover, (1993, Art Monk Construction - AMC#1)
S/T 7”, known as “Watermark”, (1993, Watermark)
S/T 7”, (1994, Art Monk Construction - AMC#7) - Lincoln’s final recordings, with a slightly different Line-up.
Tour: Celeste goes north!
Dates and locations (Stay tuned for venues and such for the TBA dates, I'll try to update as much as I can)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Revisit: Arroyo Seco

Despite this being just a demo tape, this is superb stuff, with specific and extremely melodic 90' emo tone followed with quite chaotic vocals. Six songs with roughly 20 minutes of tunes and an excellent booklet with lyrics. Only this demo was recorded, although there are rumors on the internet that there was a scheduled Arroyo Seco/The Pine split, with songs that never saw the light of day. But let us not be greedy and just enjoy this masterpiece.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Interview: Will Killingsworth

Will Killingsworth is a prolific musician who has shared his talents in Orchid, Bucket Full of Teeth, Ampere, Failures, and Vaccine. The following is the result of an interview with Will Killingsworth that I did in April of 2008 for a now out-of-print zine. Enjoy.
"I've been using the same guitar for about the past ten years now, which is a GIbson SG from the 90's that someone before me modified with a new pickguard which enables it to hold regular P-90 pick ups. I've just realized recently how important the P-90s are to the sound I've been getting for years, and that their clarity has allowed me to get away with some of the more dissonant/weird chords I use sometimes and have it not sound like mud. So, getting the guitar with them in it was really a happy accident I feel. That guitar was used for every track on Orchid, Bucket Full of Teeth, and Failures records. For Ampere I usually use the SG on one track and then a Gibson S1 from the 70s on another track, it has a thinner, cleaner sound, that really lets the notes shine through, but on it's own can be a little weak sounding.
For amps, I've gone through several changes, so I guess I'll go through them in stages....
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Revisit: Yossarian Is Drowning